ConstructSim Planner CONNECT Edition Update 5 Help

CSV File Format

The CSV file format is a set of properties separated by commas. When double-quotes are used in a property value, you need to add an extra double-quote, for example, Cooling Tank “”CT101-B””. When commas are used in a property value, you must surround the entire description with double-quotes, for example, "Pumps, Area 5."

Note: If the file is created using Excel, only single quotes are needed; double-quotes are created automatically.

The first line of the CSV file contains a list of the property names in the order in which they appear below it in the file. The item set property names can be listed in any order and even omitted if you want to allow the default value. The available item set property names that may be specified in the CSV file header are Name, Description, Color, Display, Priority, Expression.

At a minimum, you must at least specify the name of the item set to generate a set of item sets.

Property Description
Name The name of the item set.
Description The description of the item set.
Color A color index value (0-255) which corresponds to the color picker grid values. An RGB value in the format RGB:rrr:ggg:bbb where:
  • rrr is the red value (0-255)
  • ggg is the green value (0-255)
  • bbb is the blue value (0-255)

If not specified, the default color is 0.

Display A flag (ON|OFF) to set whether the elements in the item set are to be displayed or hidden. If not specified, the default is ON (displayed).
Priority Relative priority to resolve visualization for item sets containing the same elements. A priority value of 1 is the highest priority and is the default if none is specified. For best performance, it is recommended that you simply order the item sets in the CSV file in descending order of priority and not specify a priority.
Expression The expression field is used to specify either a simple selection expression (as outlined below) or the full path and filename of a saved item set search. Use the Item Set Search dialog to setup a selection expression and then save it to a *.ecquery.xml file. If you specify a simple selection expression, you must use this syntax:

SELECT “class_name” WHERE “property_name” “operator” “property_value” “logical” …

  • class_name — Name of the class for which to select elements. This name is case-sensitive. The display label cannot be used.
  • property_name — Name of the property to select elements of a specified class. This name is case-sensitive. The display label cannot be used.
  • operator — You can use the comparison operators (=, <, >, >=, <=, <>, IN, LIKE). IN can be used with a set of values in parentheses, for example (3,6,8). LIKE can be used with wild card characters.
  • property_value — The value of the property to match against. If the property is non-numeric, then surround the value with two pairs of double-quotes, for example, “”V101””.
  • logical — To specify multiple property criteria, you can use the logical operators AND/OR. When more than one logical operator is used in a statement, AND is evaluated first and then OR. Use parentheses to force evaluation of OR before AND, for example, SELECT VALVE WHERE (TAG = ““V101”” OR TAG = ““V102””) AND SIZE = 6.